Saturday, March 21, 2020

Dark Phoenix Tag Tutorial

Dark Phoenix tag tutorial
by Ladyjai3Creations
March 2020

what you need
a tube

i am using Phoenix by

© Alehandra Vanhek

you can purchase it at
( i used the dark layer)


eye candy 4000- gradient glow

Muras meister- copies- alter image rotate random

filters unlimited- paper textures- striped paper fine

fm file tools- blend emboss


Phoenix script upright
you can find this at

ok lets start!

open a new transparent image 400 x 275

take your eye dropper tool, get a light color from your tube as foreground and a darker color as

 background, make a gradient from the background, linear, angle 36 repeats 2 invert checked

flood fill your canvas with the gradient, layers duplicate, image mirror, bring properties of layer down to 50 or so, merge down, fm file tools blend emboss (default)

c&p your tube resize to fit, and place on left hand side of tag, muras meister copies line just adjust the first number i used 4 or 3 is fine

bring layer properties down to 37-50 sharpen add DS (H 2 V-2 Opacity 68 Blur 7), merge down

filters unlimited 2.0- paper textures- striped paper fine (default)

c&p your tube, resize, place to the left of tag, sharpen add DS

get your rectangle tool out create on vector, line style normal width 5 , anti alias checked draw a

 narrow rectangle from top to bottom of tag and kind of center it convert to raster layer, select all float 
defloat c&p your tube selections invert edit clear select none blend mode soft light, layer properties

down to 50 or so (whatever you like) merge down DS and then again but reverse the H &V 

Muras meister copies alter image rotate random set your top number to 10

go to your top layer, new raster layer, select all flood fill with a color from your tube, (i used the light 

grey in her dress) selections modify contract by 2, edit clear select none,  add an inner bevel of 

add a thin gradient glow with that same light grey as your frame, layers duplicate go back to original frame adjust blur gaussian blur at 5

top layer add remove noise, uniform at 50% then add noise random at 50% merge down, adjust sharpen (optional)

add your copyright info, license info and your own taggers watermark, merge all flatten save as jpg

when putting your name on it , you can use a fat white gradient glow to it but that is purely optional for you

thats it! i hope you had fun with this tutorial, thanks for looking!

Dark Phoenix Tag tutorial
by Ladyjai3Creations
March 2020

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