Saturday, July 29, 2017

Summer Morning Tutorial

Summer Morning Tutorial
July 2017

what you'll need

a tube

i am using a tube by Zlata_M
you can purchase this tube over at
(summer morning)

make sure your tube has a close up with it


eye candy 4000- gradient glow color dot

a scrap kit

i am using Jewel of the Sea by
Pink Paradox Productions
you can purchase it here

all her kits & clusters are on sale all month for $1.00

Lets Start!

open a new transparent image 400 x 275

resize paper 17 to 400 x 400 c&p paper onto your canvas

c&p your close up of your tube, resize and place on left hand side

c&p ele 83 and place behind tube, i resized it 3 x by 70%

adjust sharpen, add DS (i used H 2 V-2 Opacity 68 Blur 7)

c&p ele 88 resize by 70% 3 x and place behind the rocks (arrange how it looks good to you)

go to your background layer in your palette, c&p ele 85 resize by 70% 3 x and place in middle of sky
adjust sharpen

c&p ele 62 resize to fit, place in front of rocks, sharpen add DS (same)

c&p ele 1 resize by 70% 3 x (make sure you are on the sun layer) sharpen add DS

go to your top layer add new raster layer select  a color that goes well with the tag ( i used teal)

selections, select all flood fill with your color, selections modify contract by 2, add an inner bevel, select none

add a thin gradient glow to the frame , using the same color as the frame

layers duplicate, go to the original frame, adjust blur gaussian blur at 6, go to the top layer color dot -default settings then adjust sharpen then merge down

Add your copyright info, license# and your own taggers watermark and your name
merge all flatten save as jpg

you are done!

i hope you had fun doing this tutorial. i would love to see your results send them to me and i will showcase them here
thanks for trying my tutorial!

July 2017
Summer Morning Tutorial

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