Friday, January 27, 2017

Moonlight Rose Forum style Tag Tutorial

Moonlight Rose tag tutorial
by Ladyjai3Creations

what you will need

a tube (preferably with a close up)

i am using a tube by Zindy Nielsen entitled Moonlight Rose

you can purchase the tube at


eye candy 4000- gradient glow (copyrights)

AAA frames - foto frame

fonts- yugoslavia & Fiolex Girls

open a new image 600 x 250

take two colors from your tube using your eye dropper tool, make a gradient angle 36 repeats 2
floor fill with your new gradient

adjust add remove noise uniform 30% monochrome checked then adjust add remove noise automatic
small scratch removal

c&p your tube reize(i resized mine by 70%) place on right hand side, sharpen add DS.  (V 2 H -2 Opacity 68 Blur 7)

c&p your close up and place on left side use the blend mode soft light add same DS

get out your text tool and choose a font(i used yugoslavia) set your bg color to a light color that matches your tube and shut off your foreground

write out your text, when happy with it convert to raster layer and add DS

aaa frames foto frame all settings default except change width to 10 and opacity to 80
click on each layer with foto frame

when you get to the background select all selections modify, contract by 11 selections invert promote selection to layer select none

blend mode multiply

image add borders use the same color as your text symetric checked, 1

add your copyrights, license number and your own taggers watermark
merge all flatten, save as jpg

you are done! i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and it was easy to follow. would love to see your results, you can send them to me and i will showcase them here. thanks for trying my tutorial


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